Thursday, September 4, 2008

International interest in our shipwrecks...

I had the pleasure this morning of spending a couple of hours in the company of a reporter from the German radio network ARD. They were interested in Kingston's wonderful wreck diving and its historical context. I was able to take them out on the water and put some of our local landmarks into their proper place against the passage of the centuries. We visited the shallow sites in Deadman Bay and the remains of HMS St Lawrence. These locations make the richness of our legacy clear, but also demonstrate how little really remains to be seen - and how important it is to protect and preserve it. I was able to put recent excitement about wreck 'discoveries' into a more sensible perspective, stressing the need for caution over identifications and the exploitation of rare archaeological remains. Whenever we speak to anyone about our wrecks, particularly the ones of greater historical significance, we should be sure to mention their fragility and the need for care over visiting them.

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